"We're loaded," he said, at a 2016 campaign appearance in North Dakota, referring to fossil fuel reserves. President Trump campaigned on a platform to make American energy great again.
Trump Administration’s Slow But Sure Energy Dominance Agenda. Now that the President has signed the final tax bill into law, what does it mean for western energy? Inside Energy helps unpack. Tax reform is going to impact renewables, oil and gas, and energy overall in the western U.S. But, one difficult to control component of the natural gas industry threatens to undermine those gains. It's credited with bringing down American carbon dioxide emissions more than any other factor. is changing the power sector in the country. Invisible Leaks: Where “Clean” Natural Gas Falls ShortĪ natural gas boom in the U.S. Learn more about how Inside Energy is funded. Funded by a grant from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, our mission is to create a more informed public on energy issues by inspiring community conversations.
A collaborative journalism initiative among public media, with roots in CO, WY, and ND.